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​I am Heidi.


Proud mom of two sons, epicurean, creative jack-of-all-trades and schoolteacher.



I believe in the sun, the moon, the power of nature that lies within each one of us, ups and downs, doing nothing now and then. Also in going full for your gut feeling, dreams and wishes, the power of a smile.



I love quiet enjoyment, wonder, being happy with the little things and being overjoyed at big things, the
a-ha moments in myself and even more in others, good conversations and good vegan food.



I dare to push my limits sometimes, do new things, do something crazy (not too much and too crazy, hey, I am no daredevil ;-) )


Telling the truth (yes not always fun, I know)



I try to learn something new every day, eat healthy, finish a plan, exercise, everything above again and again and again.

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My story

A healthy lifestyle has always been my thing, as has been intuitive eating (only there was no name for it back then).
I don't like meat and when I eat it my body reacts with cramps. I simply get sick, sometimes one day, sometimes three and that wasn’t worth it to me anymore. So I decided about 30 years ago to start eating vegetarian. Back then at parties, restaurants, family I was often served fish ... . Yes, I know :-), but I am and remain convinced that everyone does what they can, according to what they know.


I never got into a discussion about what vegetarian food means, though I always explained it when someone asked about it.


I love nature but am a real city girl. Working in team energises me, exchanging ideas, reading a book and yes I am brimming with energy. What I do I want to do well.
I just go and unfortunately not always with the necessary attention to self-care despite the kind remarks of my loved ones. I listened but then went my way anyway. Hard-learned, indeed.


And so at the end of March 2018, I ended up having a burnout. So severe that my body literally threatened to give up. There was an acute danger of thrombosis, my sugar levels went through the roof and I was spent, dead tired and in pain everywhere. 


Even rest did not make me feel better, my migraines returned more and more often, despite my nevertheless healthy diet. Because I had robbed myself of my well-being.


I went to a doctor who was willing to have my cortisol levels and the inflammatory levels in my blood tested. Results of the cortisol levels: I had adrenal fatigue and my blood tests indicated I had high intolerance levels to several nutrients including all animal milk, egg whites, egg yolks, banana, ...


An immediate switch in my diet was imminent. So I went from vegetarian to vegan, but because the sugar levels in my blood were going in the negative direction, the doctor advised me to start eating low-carb so that I would not get diabetes. 


Phew, yes indeed, what a combination.


I already knew that with proper nutrition and medication I could turn the tide and I wanted a long-term healthy solution. Because with the right diet and habits, you can achieve a lot.
I had already learned that. So I took up the challenge. Looking for recipes that were Keto, vegan.


Back then, there weren't many, I can tell you that in advance. Fortunately, we have the internet.


I found inspiration online, on Youtube, Pinterest ... Went to the library looking for cookbooks and learned a lot about new ingredients to replace for example egg and wheat.

Once again, the kitchen became a training ground and/or battlefield. I started experimenting, changing some ingredients here and there. Just because I don't like them, my stash is depleted, I want to try something new .... (feel free to assume that I rarely follow a recipe that has more than 5 ingredients). After about three months, I had a system in place and was already able to juggle my new food conditions quite well. The only thing I was missing was bread. It really remains my great temptation along with a dessert.


Now, baking almond bread in itself is not that difficult and after watching the necessary YouTube videos, I succeeded, but it is quite a bit of work and a time investment. I also did try the pre-packaged version that was supposed to represent a bread, but I always found them tasteless and I was often left feeling hungry.


In addition, I was also the only one in my family who had to eat vegan and keto.


So I continued my search and started experimenting, compositions were changed, baked and tasted.
The goal: 'a tasty bread that is ready quickly (yes because I have no patience), that I can also freeze and does not lose quality when defrosted'. The bar is high I hear you thinking, .... maybe, but I wouldn't go for less.


Thus the Bunmix was born.


I can now make a mix in a short time (5 min), bake the buns and freeze them afterwards without losing quality. I have a quick solution for busy work weeks, when I can get the buns ready-made from the freezer and still enjoy a tasty and healthy lunch. 


People often ask me during lunch breaks what sandwich I eat, and every time I hear that they know someone who also cannot eat bread anymore, has to watch their sugar levels, follow a low-carb diet or eat gluten-free. After the nutritional analysis, my bread turned out to be gluten-free too!!! That’s great, right?


Thus was born the idea to share the Bunmix with the world. So that everyone who could benefit from a healthy and delicious alternative to bread has a tasty, quick and healthy solution at hand.


Have fun baking




'I choose you as a memory'. 


So that when I look back later, I know that we were at the beginning of something beautiful together. 


Let's connect.




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